We are so excited for this collaboration! Why did you pick Ivy City Co to work with & what does this collection mean to you?

This collection is themed around motherhood. As a new mom, what is the most important thing you want to teach your daughter?

What advice would you give to women trying to balance motherhood & their career dreams?

What is the most important thing you've learned from your mother?

Why dresses? Can you talk a little bit about what fashion means to you & how it plays a role in showing yourself love as a new mom?
"As a dancer, I have always loved expressing myself through the different outfits that I wear, whether that's a costume or a beautiful dress. Going into motherhood, I've learned that it's a very rare occasion that I get to be all dressed up and feel beautiful and pretty, and that's why I wanted to create this collection. I wanted to create beautiful dresses that moms can put on and feel beautiful and confident in and express their individuality. We should celebrate ourselves because we deserve self-love and self-care. I also really love that this was a mommy and daughter collection because everything I do now is for Sage, my beautiful daughter. I'm so excited that I can dress up and match with her and have a wonderful mommy and me moment. "
We hope you loved getting to know Lindsay better as much as we did! Get ready because her dreamy collection launches April 29th. Mark your calendars so you can get those dresses that you've got your heart set on! We want to see you in your Lindsay Arnold x Ivy City Co dresses, share them with us by using #IvyOnYou.